Thursday, November 28, 2019

My People free essay sample

Family. The people you’re either blessed with, or cursed with. Sure, everyone is affected by their relatives in one way or another, but not everyone has the same outcome as a result. Personally, I’m not an exceptional human being. I’m not working on a cure for cancer or saving woodland animals from extinction in my spare time. As a matter of fact, the only â€Å"unique† thing about me is my family. They’re a colorful bunch from all walks of life, and I can’t say that we’re a modern day Bradey Bunch, but we make it work. There’s not a sole member of my family that I can hold responsible for being a big part of who I am today, because it’s been many individuals who have had a hand in shaping me. My mom, for instance. She’s a tough cookie who has relentlessly told me â€Å"if it ain’t broken or bleedin’, don’t cry about it†. We will write a custom essay sample on My People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her words have gotten me through pain of any variety, and she very likely has no clue that they have. She’s been my toughest critic and greatest supporter. And my dad, well, he’s partially the reason I picked up a pen and paper and fell in love with writing one day. He taught me how to express myself in a way more meaningful than tears or angry gestures through words and music. Song has always been a bond we have shared since I was a young girl. What he taught me has brought us closer than most step parents and their step children ever experience. My grandparents, Agoo and Honey, are just about as strange and wonderful as the names I gave them when I first started speaking. Agoo, my grandmother, has shown me the beauty of all the small things life has to offer. Through â€Å"bubble therapy†, garden mud, and sidewalk chalk, she opened my eyes to adventure and imagination. She has been the best playmate a child could ask for. Honey, on the other hand, is a man of few words, but, when he had something to say, it is always worth listening to. My grandfather has shown me that, regardless of what everyone else may say, breaking the rules is sometimes necessary. Over many bowls of ice cream, water gun fights in the house, and many a car ride with Elvis crooning from the speakers, Honey taught me that finding myself didn’t mean I have to look to other people and their conventions. The love, hardships, and comebacks we have shared as a family unit, has transformed me into a mosaic of a young woman. I have a little piece of all of these people embedded deep within me, and every lesson they have taught me has created a future just as bright as the colorful people who have helped to get me where I am today. So whatever fate may have in store for me, whether I end up in college or flipping burgers, I have the comfort of knowing that I have already had the most hands-on education from a group of odd, wonderful, and caring teachers, and I couldnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t be more blessed than that.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on The Breakfast Club

social psychology "The lives of adolescents hold a fascination for all of us. We have an enduring faith that the future of our world rests with the young, and so we look to this period of life more than any other for an evaluation of current society and the probable social future" (Ianni 1). Adolescence is the time of transition between childhood and adulthood-biological development leads to psychological, social and economic changes, toward ever-increasing independence. Adolescence involves the development of a sense of identity; it is a time of questioning of relationships to parents and to peers, and of roles in society. Relationships with others dwell at the core of the adolescent experience. As teenagers move away from their parents, peer groups play an integral role. Adolescents "place a lot of importance on belonging, on being included, and on being part of a group; group affiliation not only supplies emotional security, but also is a source of status and reputation with motivational properties" The cliques and crowds formed by adolescents define them within in their own social world and to (or against) the adult world as well. The boundaries between these groups can be ambiguous and flexible or extremely rigid and unforgiving. The five students assembled for Saturday detention in "The Breakfast Club" represent five different groups, stereotyped both by their fellow students and the school administrator who is their warden for the day. In the movie "The Breakfast Club" five young adults are portrayed to a tee, representing a cross cultural view of the teens attending high school in suburban Chicago in 1985. The opening scene of this classic movie shows the five students arriving at school at approximately seven thirty in the morning, Saturday, to serve their punishment, the dreaded Saturday detention that many of us had to submit to. This grievous application of student torture was utilized by school... Free Essays on The Breakfast Club Free Essays on The Breakfast Club social psychology "The lives of adolescents hold a fascination for all of us. We have an enduring faith that the future of our world rests with the young, and so we look to this period of life more than any other for an evaluation of current society and the probable social future" (Ianni 1). Adolescence is the time of transition between childhood and adulthood-biological development leads to psychological, social and economic changes, toward ever-increasing independence. Adolescence involves the development of a sense of identity; it is a time of questioning of relationships to parents and to peers, and of roles in society. Relationships with others dwell at the core of the adolescent experience. As teenagers move away from their parents, peer groups play an integral role. Adolescents "place a lot of importance on belonging, on being included, and on being part of a group; group affiliation not only supplies emotional security, but also is a source of status and reputation with motivational properties" The cliques and crowds formed by adolescents define them within in their own social world and to (or against) the adult world as well. The boundaries between these groups can be ambiguous and flexible or extremely rigid and unforgiving. The five students assembled for Saturday detention in "The Breakfast Club" represent five different groups, stereotyped both by their fellow students and the school administrator who is their warden for the day. In the movie "The Breakfast Club" five young adults are portrayed to a tee, representing a cross cultural view of the teens attending high school in suburban Chicago in 1985. The opening scene of this classic movie shows the five students arriving at school at approximately seven thirty in the morning, Saturday, to serve their punishment, the dreaded Saturday detention that many of us had to submit to. This grievous application of student torture was utilized by school...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Igneous Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Igneous - Essay Example Igneous rocks are made when molten rock material called magma cools and solidifies. Magma may be thought of as a molten rock but it is not regularly a simple molten fluid. Nonetheless, it is rather a multifaceted blend of molten solid materials, for example, crystals, rocks, as well as dissolved vapor. Magma’s chemical composition and physical properties such as viscosity and density are all important factors that control magma’s overall behavior, for instance, how fast or slow it will move, how explosive it will be, what minerals will form in it, and their grain sizes and physical interrelationships. In terms of chemical composition, all magmas except rare carbonites are rich in carbonate component. They are also silicate magmas in which the dominant component is silica (SiO2), which generally comprises 45 % or more by weight. Alumina (Al2O3), with its abundance in common igneous rocks anywhere between 13 and 18 %, is at a distant second. Igneous rocks are categorized according to location, chemical composition, surface consistency, and mineralogy. Two significant factors used for the taxonomy of igneous rocks are the rock grain size, which largely depends on the cooling history, determines the texture and the mineral or chemical composition of the rock (Krebs, 2003 p. 95). The identification of these rocks is majorly done by texture. The grain consistency of volcanic rocks comprising the size, distribution of mineral grains, shape, orientation, and the intergranular relationships will decide if the rock is designated as simple or pyroclastic lava, or a tuff. Subsequently, it also determines what minerals are found in what kind of igneous rock. These are large rocks with mineral grains that are big enough to be identified by the eye. They are formed when magma slowly cools to form intrusive mafic igneous rocks. The well

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


CURRENT FINANCIAL CONDITIONS & THE INDUSTRIES - Essay Example The world leader, who dominated the world at that time, was USA (Still Dominating) had a very strong economy and currency. The global financial crisis crunch came on screen in September 2008, when a number of American giant financial institutions failed to sustain or merge with some other institutions mainly due to not meeting the regulatory requirements or inability to comply with them pertinently. Due to the dominating power and instinct of USA, the country must leave a positive or negative impact on the world economy whenever the country's economy plunges or hike, because the country provides a platform to most of the countries to indulge in exports and imports with each other. American economy mainly emphasizes on credit as even, about every household borrow money for homes and loans frequently. Government of USA didn't apply any limit on the credit cards of the banks which is the main reason the current credit crunch hit them badly. The failure of the major financial institutions like Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley and the mortgaging companies like Fannie Mae and Fredric Mac played a vital role to push the United States of America towards the brink of default. The severe crisis in USA left a very bad impact on the economy of the world as a whole and after the plunging of the USA's economy, the economy of every country envisaged a deeper recession. Impact of Financial Crisis on United Kingdom and Current Financial Health: United Kingdom (U.K) is one of the countries which are badly hurt by the current financial turmoil which is the 2nd worst after the 1930's great depression. The estimated gross domestic product of Britain is 1.275 trillion which is 0.63% higher as compared to the last year but the main concern for the country is its deteriorating currency value because the sterling has collapsed against major global currencies by 30%. The economy of UK is in great recession, the said argument can be observed from the current forecast by International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the economy of United Kingdom. The IMF has revised its GDP growth for UK FY 2009 -1.5% to -2.8%. The largest industry in Britain is the financial industries which are the main victims of the financial crisis. The financial sector of the United Kingdom slashed hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country which crosses the amount of 6 million people. A year ago finance officials thought that the British economy had become particularly resilient to shocks, but after the shrinking currency value and persistently condensing deposits in the banks, the perceptions seem to be not working for the Britain. The financial constraints mounting pressure and fear of bankruptcy still intervenes between the banks and borrowers, as the banks of UK are still reluctant to lend the money to the borrowers. The current interest rates of UK's banks are 1% but it is unable to attract the foreign investors as well as the domestic investment influences them to cut down the interest rates further to stress the investors to put their money in the banks. Recently the US did the same and cut the interest rates to 0.25% merely to attract investments. United Kingdom is one of those countries who are heavily relying

Monday, November 18, 2019

Geography Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Geography - Lab Report Example The third category â€Å"Good Alternative†, its application is mainly evident worldwide where the coverage encompasses unregulated sea regions. Hence, depict good records in comparison to other techniques if applied to the similar coverage. Additionally, Yellowfin Tuna’s capability to reproduce quickly also aids in boosting their sustainability despite heavy overfishing especially in the unregulated regions (MBAF). The fish forms the overfished category where there is the utilization of destructive methods especially to the other marine life or environment. In addition, it is unfit for consumption owing to its high mercury content besides other contaminants. Fish’s category chiefly relies on its environment and the mode of fishing that may pose either negative or positive impact on other aquatic life and environment (MBAF). For instance, fish that are in the same group with Hake White usually possess high mercury content besides being unfit for consumption, which is contrary to Barramundi. After attaining this information, I now prefer Barramundi fish, because it does not have any negative effects on human besides its rearing and fishing being environmentally

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effectiveness of self instructional module in immunizations

Effectiveness of self instructional module in immunizations Abstract Immunization is the one of the most important and cost effective strategies for the prevention of childhood sicknesses and disabilities and it is a basic need for all children. Seven killer diseases causes a major threat to children and this decreases the health status and making them more vulnerable to infectious disease. The major cause for death is vaccine preventable diseases such as neonatal tetanus, measles, TB, diphtheria, pertusis, polio and Hepatitis B. Infectious diseases are now the worlds biggest killer of children and young adults. They account for more than 13 million deaths a year one in two deaths in developing countries. The present study objective was â€Å"to evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module.† The Pre- experimental one group pre test and post test design was adopted. The sample of 100 mothers of under-five children selected by convenient sampling technique. A structured knowledge questionnaire was adopted to collect the data from the samples. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used in data analysis. The result of study shown that there was significant difference in the mean post test score. The findings reveals that pre test and post test mean knowledge of mothers of under-five children regarding vaccine preventable diseases is 8.5(SD+3.95) and 16.33(SD+4.79) respectively. Post test mean knowledge score higher than pre test mean score. The‘t’ test value was 12.54 which was significant at 0.05 level. Hence it is concluded that the self instructional module was effective to increase the knowledge of mothers of under five children. This study recommends that similar study can be undertaken on large sample to generalize the findings. Study can be done to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses regarding vaccine preventable diseases. Keywords: Self instructional module, knowledge, vaccine preventable diseases, mothers of under- five children. I. Introduction Children are fortunately being recognized as people in their own right with their special requirements. Quality survival of the human race depends on provision of adopt care to his vulnerable population in their formative and developmental life years. Therefore Health services for children should be aimed at improving the future quality of human resources of the nation by enabling as many children as possible to reach adulthood with their potential uncompromised by illness, environmental hazards, or unhealthy lifestyle. According to WHO â€Å"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely absence of disease or infirmity In India diseases like guinea worm, small pox has been eradicated since 1947 and now poliomyelitis is near to eradicate. In developed countries like in India 68 out of 1000 under-five children were dying each year and another 5 million were disabled by infectious diseases. The vaccination of children against infectious diseases (tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertusis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles and hepatitis B) has been a cornerstone of the child health care system in India. As a part of the National Health Policy, the National Immunization Programme is has been implemented on a priority basis. Awareness building about immunization of children, who are under five years of age, provides a sense of responsibility towards the need of the children and their protection. The involvement of mothers in immunization programme help in reduces seven killer diseases. Those mothers who are living in tribal and rural areas mainly ignore the immunization and they do not vaccinate their children. Some mothers have misconception about immunization and they believe their children can catch diseases if they immunize their children. To prevent seven killer diseases it is necessary to screen every child for immunization, coverage opportunities; otherwise full immunization coverage may not be possible. Delayed immunization is associated with low socio-economic status, female illiteracy, lack of knowledge on Vaccine Preventable Diseases as recommended by Universal Programme Immunization (UPI). II. Review of literature A comparative study was conducted to estimate the vaccination coverage level of children aged between 19-35 months living in rural and urban area in Kolar District of Bangalore. The result of study revealed that Statistically significant differences in vaccination coverage levels between the rural population and their urban counterparts were determined for individual vaccines and vaccine series as evidenced by 28% of the children were covered by immunization residing in rural areas whereas 46% were covered in Urban area. The study recommended that health care personnel need to execute the awareness among the needy population of the Kolar District. A study was conducted upon improving status of underfive children through awareness and knowledge of mothers regarding vaccine preventable diseases through health education messages and compare them with those without intervention. An increase of 19 % to 22 % increase was seen in the utilization of vaccination. The mother’s knowledge increased in the follow up from 60 % to 76.5% and the immunization status increased significantly from 46.5% to 75 % after the intervention. The surveys show that the health education messages significantly increased the vaccination status of children of under five years. A study was conducted to assess the knowledge of caretakers of underfive children in a pulse polio immunization booth in the Delhi. A semi –open-ended questionnaire was used. Study results showed that Only 252 (37.0%) respondent correctly answered, 176 (25.8%) gave a wrong answer while the remaining 37.2% gave no answer. While 268 (39.3%) knew at least of four diseases covered by universal immunization programme, only 23.9% knew all four diseases. The researcher concluded that immunization status needs to be improved by educating mothers and caregivers regarding immunization. A quasi experimental study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme (STP) among 50 mothers of underfive children in selected paediatric hospital, Pondicherry. A closed ended questionnaire was used to collect the data followed by intervention of STP. The study finding shows that the post-test knowledge score (22.73) was higher than the pre-test knowledge score (12.78). The study claimed that STP is effective to enhance mother’s mother knowledge regarding the importance of immunization. The study recommended that nursing personnel should continue in health teaching approach especially to the health problems which can be prevented. III. Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module regarding vaccine preventable diseases among the mothers of under-five children; this is achieved by one group pre and post test knowledge score obtained by the subjects under the study. This study also obtaining answer to research hypothesis. IV. Methodology: A Pre- experimental research design with one group pre test and post test design, to measure the effectiveness of self instructional module. The study was conducted at selected areas in Tarn Taran. Subjects were selected by convenient sampling technique. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect data. Part-I: Socio demographic variables. This part is consist of variables such as age, educational status of mothers, type of family, occupation, religion, family monthly income, no. of children and source of information. Part-II Structured knowledge Questionnaire: It consists 36 items of objective type questions related to knowledge on vaccine preventable diseases. Each item contains four alternative responses. The knowledge questions are chosen from seven common vaccine preventable diseases likely, Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Measles, Polio, Tetanus, Whooping cough and Hepatitis B. All the items were given equal score. Each correct answer was given a score of 1 and wrong answe rs a score of 0. Thus maximum score was 36 and minimum score was zero. The questionnaire was prepared in English and Punjabi languages. Reliability of an instrument is the degree of consistency with which it measures the attribute it is designed to measure. The reliability of the tool was assessed by collecting data from 10 mothers of under-five children from selected areas in Tarn Taran. The reliability of structured knowledge questionnaire was computed by Split half method i.e by calculating co-efficient correlation first and then by applying Spearman Brown prophecy formula. The reliability of structured knowledge questionnaire was 0.96 and thus found to be highly reliable. Ethical clearance had been obtained from ethical committee, prior permission for conducting the research was obtained from Municipal Corporation of District Tarn Taran and informed consent was taken from mothers of under-five children. The data was analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. V. Data Analysis Section A: Analysis of Socio -Demographic characteristics of the samples Table 1: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Demographic Variables Table no.1 indicates the Majority of subjects 37% are in the age group of 21-25 years, about 25% were in the age group of 30 years. About 36% mothers were secondary educated, 24% were primary educated and minimum no. 20% were Graduate and another 20% respondents were of post-Graduate. Majority of subjects 30% were house wife, 26% were non-government employee, 24% were government and 20% mothers were self employee. About half of respondents were 47 % belong to Sikh religion, 32% were of Hindu, 14% mothers were Christian and 7% were belong to other religion. Majority of mothers 60% were belong to nuclear family and other 40% belong to joint family. 38% subjects were in the family income group of >15000. 26% were in the group of 10000-15000, 20 % were comes under the group of 5000-10000 and minimum number of subjects 16% belongs SECTION B: To assess the level of knowledge regarding vaccine preventable diseases among the mother of under five children before and after self instructional module administration. Table 2(a)Grading the knowledge of samples regarding vaccine preventable diseases in pre-test.N=100 The above table 2(a) shows that most of the of samples 76% had inadequate knowledge, 24% of samples had moderately adequate knowledge regarding vaccine preventable diseases and there was no adequate knowledge samples regarding vaccine preventable diseases. Table 2(B): Grading Of Knowledge Regarding Vaccine Preventable Diseases Among Mothers Of Under-Five Children In Post Test N = 100 Table 2(b) shows that most of the samples 67% had moderately adequate knowledge, 16% of samples had adequate knowledge and 17% of samples had inadequate knowledge regarding vaccine preventable diseases in post-test. SECTION C: Table 3: Mean and standard deviation of pre test and post test knowledge regarding vaccine preventable diseases among samples. Table 3 shows that mean score of pre test and post test of samples regarding vaccine preventable diseases is 8.55 (SD + 3.95) and 16.33 (SD + 4.79) respectively. Post test mean score was higher than the pre test mean scores the‘t’ test value is 12.54 which was significant at 0.05 level as (p>0.05). SECTION D: Association Between The Post Test Knowledge Sores And Selected Socio Demographic Variables TABLE-4: Analysis of Association between the post test knowledge sores and with selected socio demographic variables Table 4 shows that the association between post test knowledge score and socio- demographic variables such as education, occupation, no. of children and type of family of mothers of under-five children found significant as calculated values greater than table values at the level of (0.05). The association between knowledge score and the socio- demographic variables score of mothers, religion, family monthly income and source of information found non significant as the calculated value is less than the tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance. VI. Limitation and Research Needed The size of the sample was 100; hence it was difficult to make broad generalizations. No attempt was made to control extraneous variables. This study recommends the following further research. The study can be replicated on large samples for wider generalization Comparative study can be done on knowledge among urban and rural mothers regarding vaccine preventable diseases. Study can be done on the knowledge of health personnel regarding vaccine preventable diseases. A study can be done to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses regarding vaccine preventable diseases. VII. Conclusion As good health is very important for each individual and knowledge regarding v

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hartshorne and Nishida Re-envisioning the Absolute :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

Hartshorne and Nishida Re-envisioning the Absolute ABSTRACT: This paper is a comparative study of Hartshorne's neoclassical reconsideration of the notion of the Absolute based on his Whiteheadian vision of the divine relativity, and Nishida's attempt at redefining the same notion against the background of what he calls the philosophy of "place" (Jpn., basho) of absolute Nothingness or Buddhist Emptiness. By reconsidering the notion of the Absolute, Hartshorne has come up with the standpoint of "Surrelativism," and Nishida's attempt has resulted in the standpoint of "absolute dialectic as guided by the principle of the self-identity of absolute contradictions." What I intend to do in this paper is study comparatively Charles Hartshorne's neo-classical re-consideration of the notion of the Absolute based upon his Whiteheadian vision of the "divine relativity" and Nishida Kitaro's attempt at re-defining the same notion against the background of what he calls the philosophy of the "place" (Jpn., basho) of absolute Nothingness or Buddhist Emptiness. By reconsidering the notion of the Absolute Hartshorne has come up with the standpoint of "Surrelativism" in his Divine Relativity (1948). And Nishida's attempt at redefining the same notion has resulted in the standpoint of "absolute dialectic as guided by the principle of the self-identity of absolute contradictories" in his "The Logic of Place and the Religious Worldview" (written in 1945; published posthumously in 1946). Hartshorne belongs, as leader, to the second generation of Whiteheadian process-relational thought in North America. By contrast, Nishida is the founder of what is usually called the Kyoto School of philosophy in Japan; deeply inspired by Zen, Nishida vigorously engaged in a wholehearted, laborious encounter with the West philosophically throughout his career. But what I can commonly perceive in the two philosophers is a noticeable philosophical phenomenon: namely, the notion of the Absolute has undergone a profoundly significant process of self-transcendence/self-transformation in either of the two philosophical systems in such a way that one now begins to identify one's own position as "panentheism." Hartshorne and Nishida both negate and transcend the traditional notion of the Absolute as "transcendence"; in this sense, they both tend to be radically affirmative of the "immanence of the Absolute." And yet at this very juncture they both decidedly deny the linkage of their respective standpoints with that of Spinoza's "pantheism." Hence, panentheism. But how so? In what follows let me try to answer and elucidate this question as much as I can. For I perceive

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What is your assesment of Hareton, and does he deserve the happiness he eventually finds with Cathy?

Hareton's Qualities are described by Nelly Dean as ‘good things lost amoung a wilderness of weeds' and even Heathcliff admits he is gold put to the use of pavinmg stones' What is your assesment of this character, and does he deserve the happiness he eventually finds with Cathy? Haretons life was one of cruelty and suffering, with his childhood taken away by the feindishness of Heathcliff. He was described as ‘gold put to the use of paving stones' but how can such an able boy turn into a ‘swearing', ‘ rough' man? Ever since Mr Earnshaw returned from liverpool, and brought back an adopted boy caled Hethcliff, Hindley hated him . Heathcliff had tempers, hit Hindley, used blackmail, and always got him into trouble. Hindley decided to take revenge on Heathcliff whenever he could, and when Mr Earnshaw died, he received his chance. The land, proporty and inhabitants were all under his control. Hindley ‘trannical personality' and ‘insane excitement' was portrayed on the treatment of Hethjcliff. He made him a slve, ‘flogging', ‘beating' and ‘swearing' at him. From that moment on, Healcliff vowed to take retribution on Hindley. Hindley's wife, Frances, died during the child birth of Hareton Earnshaw, and from that moment on, Nelly Dean decided to be the babies nurturer. Nelly took over as the motherly figure, gurding Hareton from his fathers ‘mad mans rage' She would lock him in cupbords, ‘stowing him away in the kitchen' Even Catherine was aware of his ‘violence' and ‘evil conduct'. Most of this conduct was due to the ever growing drinking problem Hindley had. Any major part in a childs youth has an effect on him later in life, so it is far to say that the poor father figure he had as a child contributes to his orr behavior as an adult. This part of his child hood in many ways acts as a mirro image of Heathcliff's own life. Yet when he moves to Wuthering heights, not even Nelly is there to help, teach and protect Hareton from Heathcliff. Hareton moved to Wuthering Height when he was just five years old, and thae lack of female figures meant that Hraeton was brought up in a ver masculine way, not to mention the ‘cruelty' and ‘brutalit' of Heathcliff. The Height is a key part of Hareton's life. The propoirty is portrayed by Emily Bronti as ‘violent','rough' and uncivilised. There are many example of characters being changed for the worse after living at the Heights. This is no exception for Hareton. Nelly goes to visit her ‘son' as she describes him, just ten months later. She arrives with high hoipes for the able child, but they are shattered by the distant view of the ‘elf-locked, brown eyed boy'. Heathcliff's treatment towards Hareton becomes evident when he throws a rock at Nelly followed by a string of curses. Nelly is probably shocked at this because of the dramatic change from just months earlier. Although Haethciffs conduct with areton is ‘rough' and ‘violent' and he treates him like a slave; Nelly askes him if he likes Heathcliff, and ironically, ‘aye' was the answer. Nelly is quite surprised by this as he also says he hates his real father. This is highlited at the end of the novel when he was the only mourner at Heathcliffs grave. Haretom is always thankfull for what he sees as Heathcliff's advise. He teachs him how to swear and hate his ‘devil daddy' Heathcliff aslo takes away Haretons education, telling him to threaten the curate. Later on in thw volume, Heathcliff tells Nelly how he is proud of the way he has treated Hareton, he explains how he treats it as a competition and how he has outdone Hindley. Heathcliff was beaten and treated badly, although he hated Hindley and yet still got educatiomn. Heathciff has outdone Hindley because Haretonm has been beaten and treated badly also, yet he still loves Heathcliff and has no education. He explaons how it is payback ofr Hindley, and maybe this is why Hareton turned out the way he is, because he was ‘used' and not treated as an adult. It is not fair to say at all that Hareton is in anyway evil or rough, as Heathcliff himself made Hareton. He moulded him into a mirror image of himself, to show revenge on Hindley. Haretonm is doing what every one does naturally, he is growing up, yet he has the disadvantage of having Heathcliff and Hindley to look up to and admire. Hareton is doing what he sees as right, because Haethcliff has taught him that it is right to swera and be rough and violent. Heathcliff realises this, and used the all inportant quote' he is gold out to the use of paving stiones. ‘ Nelly is astounded by his lack of remorse, even happiness for what he has done: ‘if he were born a fool, I shouldnot like it half as much, but he is no fool. It is aslso argued that the lack of female, and motherly figures in his entire life has conmtributed to his downfall in behavour and consequently sotial status. So again, Heatghcliff has succeeed and overtaken Hindley. Even the lack of female figures is ultimatly becaue of Heathcliff, Healcliff wouldn't allow any love or education at all. This is true right to the end of the novel when he finds Cathy and Hareton in love. The social status is not only because of the behavour and where he ives, it is also because of the fact that he is treated and acts like a slave or servant. When lockwood visits the Heights, he even mistakes Hareton for a servant and is surprised to find that he isnt. This is aslso to do with the way hie looks. He takes no pride in his apperence and so is seen as low in society. Hareton has quite a minor role in the next chapters in the novel, as leading roles are played by thhe love relationshipo between Linton-Heathcliff and Cathy. Harrton ids only mentioned when in the room, or doing jobs, sometimes he is hihlighted in the many tempers he has, sometimes violenet, sometimnes just the angry rough attitude about whatever he does or says. Hareton is now seemingly going down hill willingly, smoking and swearing more than ever, yet this is not totally correct as we see when he makes an attempt to come across differently for Cathy. Again this reminds us of a mirror image. The young Heathcliff smartened himself up for Catherine, as an attempt to impress her after she called him ‘dirty' an now Hareton has washed, ‘visible by the glow on his cheeks, and wetted hair' Although this does not work, as he becomes the center of her ammusement in the next chapter. When Cathy points out to Hareton his name abouvr the alcove of thr door, at wuthering heights, she asks what it means. Hareton, not eduvcated, says he doesn't know. She calls him a ‘colossal dunce' and that he ‘looked so stupid. Haretron gets mad, and ‘growls. When Cathy points this out to Nelly, and tells her that it was funny, Nelly scowls at her and tells her off. Nelly points out that she wouldn't asl be able to read if brought up in his curcumstances. This is absolutly true and makes bold that fact of his upbringing and how it was not his fault. He did not deny his education, he was never given the chpoise to have it.

Friday, November 8, 2019

autobiograpy of Black boy essays

autobiograpy of Black boy essays The novel Black Boy, written by Richard Wright takes you back in the deep south of Jackson, Mississippi where whites attempted to tame into submission blacks by hard discipline. It seemed that the more Richard had gained in life, the more he was hurt. Richard was alienated from his environment, even though he tried to distance himself from the prejudice all around him, the white people still tried to turn him into the stereotypical southern black person. Richard was always a rebel, from his boyhood to his older teenage years. From the beginning he would not subdue below the white man himself like the other black people around him did. The white people around him knew that he was different from other black men. The people were scared because he challenged the system that they had created for themselves as the super power. They feared Richard, and some of the white people felt it necessary to act out their racist feelings to order to cover up their fear. Their were many events in Richard Wrights life which may have shaped his philosophy of his life. In the novel, the principal at Richards school had asked Richard to give a speech to a large audience of white and black students, Richard refused to read the principals prepared speech. By reading the principals speech, Richard was saying what the white power wanted him to say and to Richard this would be giving in to the thing he hated so much. Richard was willing to leave school without a diploma instead of this. White people alienated Richard from his environment because he did not accept the way of life that other black people did. This even that occurred in his life, shaped his philosophy on life, extremely, this told people that he would have his mind set on one thing and concentrate on that, to achieve his goal, in other words he had a hard head and no one could persuade or change his mind o...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Differentiate Your LinkedIn Profile and Resume

How to Differentiate Your LinkedIn Profile and Resume You might think when setting up your LinkedIn profile that all you have to do is copy and paste things from your resume. But that would be a mistake. First of all, a resume is a private document sent directly to potential employers. A LinkedIn profile is public. Here are a few other key differences that will help you differentiate and make these two media work for you. 1. Keeping It Concise vs. Room for DetailYour resume has more space constraints than your online profiles, as it should ideally fit on one page. There, you need to use pithy language that describes your accomplishments as concisely and descriptively as possible.In LinkedIn, you have more room. Instead of a one-line description, try making it two or three lines that  really sing the story of the big picture.2. Tailoring to the Job vs. Casting a Wide NetYour resume should be reformatted and written for each individual job you apply for, tailored exactly to meet those requirements and needs.Your LinkedIn profile is ther e to establish your wider appeal and brand. Keep your net broad, and show how your unique skills and interests are versatile enough to apply to a wide range of industries and positions. Show yourself to be the flexible superstar you know you are.3. Showing vs. TellingIf a fact is on your resume, people have to take your word for it. But in LinkedIn, you actually have room to add proof. Show, don’t tell your, accomplishments for your profile. Put your money where your mouth is. For example, if you claim to be a good writer, include links to a few of your articles.4. Informal vs. FormalIn LinkedIn, avoid the robotic third person language of your resume. Make it a bit more personal. Use a conversational tone; don’t sacrifice propriety or effective communication, but let your personality shine through. Also remember that a LinkedIn profile can be much more broad and general when compared to the focused information you include on your resume.5.  Getting a Job vs. Building a NetworkA resume is geared specifically to getting the interview and getting hired. Your LinkedIn profile is much more about building awareness and adding to your network. Stay in the loop. Get connected with others in your industry. Be part of the conversation. You can also have a LinkedIn profile that helps you keep an eye on new opportunities without tipping your boss off that you are â€Å"looking.†6. No Photo vs. PhotoIt’s no longer standard to include a photo on your resume, as that can be linked to discrimination. Your LinkedIn profile, however, can and should include a profile picture.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Demerger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Demerger - Essay Example The segmentation strategies of both Daimler-Chrsyler not only enabled both companies to attain wider customer markets but also fresh chances for the expansion of their automobile lines. On the other hand, the only significant disadvantage in the demerging procedures of Daimler-Chrsyler was the internal adjustments that both companies had to endure particularly in budgeting their endeavors and initiatives. But all in all, the demerging of Daimler-Chrsyler had a positive impact on the succeeding profits of both companies in spite of the fact the demerger mandated both companies to regain their individual company designations. As the American automobile industry became aware of the effects of the demerger of Daimler-Chrsyler to their present system, other American automobile companies had been able to utilize this knowledge to get and maintain a control mechanism to enable them to become top organizations in the world market. In this way, the utilization of demergers and modernization had supported the US automobile industry to become competitive in the world market. The demerger of Daimler-Chrsyler enabled the fundamental enhancement in the economic progress of the American economy and significantly improved financial gains in the aftermath of transferring income and taxes to the American authorities. The demerger of Daimler-Chrsyler will defin

Friday, November 1, 2019

A marketing research on consumer behavior, focusing on car selection Paper

A marketing on consumer behavior, focusing on car selection on the brand-Honda - Research Paper Example (Hoyer & MacInnis 221) Research on consumer behavior provides firms with information about their target market and the business environment. Researchers provide a careful analysis of the firm’s plans, activities and methods. Relationships that are of interest to consumer researchers are classified as â€Å"correlations and causal†, which is similar to the cause and effect situation. A correlation occurs when statistics among the factors have significant relationship. Examples of variables are advertising and research which can be the subject of correlation research. There is positive correlation when two variables act at the same time. There is negative correlation in a situation where two variables are in opposite direction. Advertising and sales are correlated positively since both increase at the same time. On the other hand, product defects and customer regard for the product have a negative correlation; meaning, as product defects are seen or felt, customer is diss atisfied. (Kardes et al. 368) Consumer behaviour involves the study of psychology and sociology, and it is important to apply this on the Honda market segment. Sociology includes study of different cultures. Culture influences the American decision-making process and their decision to buy. Advertising and promotion can be considered one of these factors, or, it could be that advertising and promotion are the outcome of these factors since these elements take into consideration consumer behaviour first before they are being programmed. â€Å"Gen Yers† are those born between 1977 and 1995 and who will constitute over one-third of the US population by 2015 and now believed the largest U.S. market segment. At present, they account to about 7% of the present US population (qtd. in Rajamma et al. 388). Gen Yers are demanding when it comes to quality. In an October 2008 survey of the U.S. adult population, quality was listed as the number one factor by 86 percent of respondents â₠¬Å"in their next car purchase,† while 82 percent listed safety and 74 percent said fuel economy was their number one priority (Cole and Flynn 67). This essay aims to investigate consumer behavior of Honda of America (HAM) customers who prefer to buy Honda cars and other products despite the popularity and quality make of other brands. The Automotive Industry Statistics from the American Customer Satisfaction Index tell us that the automotive industry